Mac App Rec: Sleep Pillow

We saw this app go to free in the App store and thought it might be a good one for folks to try out. Sleep Pillow is an app from Clear Sky Apps, and it requires OS X 10.7 or higher. It’s an unobtrusive app that lives on your toolbar to provide background noise as you work or (obviously from the name) as you try to fall asleep. 


There are plenty of folks out there who find it easier to sleep with some sort of noise in the background, and sound apps have always been popular. Sleep Pillow includes a pretty wide variety of noises, although it missing the ability to mix different sounds together. You pick the noise you want, hit play, and go do your thing. You can also use it as an alarm or set a timer so it doesn’t play all night.


There are version of Sleep Pillow available on iOS as well, in both a lite and a full featured ($1.99) version.