Setting up your new Airport

The release of the newly redesigned Airport Extreme and Time Capsules made us think this would be a good time to remind you of just how easy it is to set up a new wireless networks with Apple’s Airports.


I’m bringing one of the new Airport Extremes home with me tonight, so I thought I would set it up and show you all the steps. In the box you’ll find just the Airport and a power cable. The only other piece you’ll need is an ethernet cable — you probably already have one of these with your cable modem, but we have plenty in stock should you need one! 


Your first step is to plug it in and to plug that ethernet cable into the port with the circle above it. The additional ethernet ports are for direct line connections, should you want to leave (for example) your desktop or printer hard wired into the internet. The USB port is also for printers and for network attached storage.

Step two is to open up Airport Utility. If you are setting this up from an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch, you’ll need to download the app from the App Store (free). On your Mac, it’s built in already, stored in your utility folder — but the easiest way to find it is to simply click on the magnifying glass icon on the upper right side of your menu bar, and type in airport utility. Click on AirPort Utility in the list to open it.

On your iOS device, the simplest way is to open settings and tap on wifi. You will see the option to set up the airport from there.


If you have a current wireless network, you will be given the option to either set the Airport up as a new network or to extend an already existing network. We’re going to be creating a new network today, so we’ll choose that option.

(on your mac)

(on your iOS device)


Next, you’ll just need to choose a name for your new wireless network as well as a password. By default, your password to administer the Airport will be the same password that you will use to get on the network. You can make them different passwords by unchecking the box on your Mac or by sliding the single password option to off on your iOS device.

On your Mac

On your iOS device


Click done, and you’re all set! The Airport will reset to apply the new settings, and you will see the light on the front go to blinking orange as it restarts and it should then go to green. Occasionally, though, there will be a further update required. You’ll be able to see that if there is a red 1 on your iOS airport utility icon, or a red one next to your airport in the airport utility on your Mac.

If that’s the case, simply click the 1.

A menu will pop up — simply click update to apply. Once again the Airport will restart to update.


As you can see, it’s pretty simple to get your new airport up and running — so come pick up yours today!