iPhone SDK 3 by Duncan Campbell
posted: March 8, 2010 by Andres Remis
When it comes to starting iPhone programming, you might feel lost in a sea of choices. There are hundreds of different iPhone Development books, so many, in fact, that you might not know which to choose. Here at CapeMac we want to make that step easier for you so you can find a quality iPhone SDK book and start building your apps as soon as possible. We recently received several copies of iPhone SDK 3 from the Visual QuickStart Guide series. The Visual QuickStart Guide offers a series of books varying from an introduction to Snow Leopard to building a website in HTML and CSS, and have become a reputable name in technology training books. The iPhone SDK 3 training book offers instructions for starting and building your next iPhone application and will guide you along the development process. It helps you through Xcode 3.1 and other iPhone SDK tools with Screenshots so you can see what window they are talking about. It also contains the most up to date examples for iPhone Developing and taking advantage of the newest Developer API. This book has been highly praised by small developers for using plain speak instead of complex jargon.
The benefit of this book is that with the special code inside, you can gain access to additional examples online, as well as the Online Edition of the book which allows you to read it on your computer while you are building your next application.
iPhone SDK 3 is $34.95 and available right now at Cape Mac Hyannis. Come in today and explore our wide variety of Macintosh books, software, and accessories for your Mac/iPod/iPhone.